Multi-point acquisition feature error (well-selection)

We enjoy using your nice SQUID GUI!
Our group is currently using the repository SQUID-bioimaging-platform that was forked from yours to run the SQUID software. Unfortunately, after making an update (sync with your repo), we are now faced with an issue that we need help to resolve, please. Attached are two photos showing the message “Please select a well to scan first.” and the options present in the GUI when replicating the issue.

This message appears when we try to use the multi-point acquisition feature to take photos in BF and 488nm (or any other format).This feature was working well before the update, but now we cannot use it because we don’t have any wells to select. In the GUI, I don’t see any specific options regarding well selection. I couldn’t see something obvious in the git-commits. I also examined the files in the software folder but did not find anything evidently related to this function or the message pop-up.We are currently using the configuration_squid_6060.ini file to run . I noticed other .ini files where the well format is specified, but even when trying those, the issue persists.We would prefer not to roll back to a previous version, as we want to stay up-to-date with your latest changes and better understand how the software works.Is there any chance you could guide us through this issue? Thank you for your time and assistance. If you have any additional context that you would like to give regarding the organization and execution of this software please do. Best wishes!

Hi @MakerTobey! Sorry for the delay in getting back - just saw your message. With a lot new features implemented we’ve largely stoped using Now the default entry is (a screenshot is attached). Can you try that out? Note that it will do homing for XYZ at startup. If will not work for your setup for now, we’ve also just updated where flexible multipoint and built-in napari viewer is added (for napari, you may need to do sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg in addition to pip3 install napari).

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Hello @Hongquan ! Thank you for your response, I’m working with @MakerTobey and I was able to run the new with the fixed and newly added features.

So far it’s working great and I didn’t need to install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg, yet. Thank you so much for the update, I saw a lot of fixes and the software is much easier to work with.

We don’t work with multi-well plates, so we really appreciate your time updating too.

Wish you a great week :+1:


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