How to run the software on Windows

Step 1: Install python

The 64 bit Windows installer can be downloaded at Other version (e.g. ARM64) can be downloaded at Python Release Python 3.12.2 |

For reference on using python in Windows, see 4. Using Python on Windows — Python 3.12.2 documentation

Step 2: Update pip to latest version

Open command line (WIN + R key → cmd)

pip install --upgrade pip

3.make work directory, for example E:\test

mkdir test
cd test
py -m venv .venv
call .venv/Scripts/activate.bat
echo y |  call pip install PyQt5
echo y |  call pip install qtpy
echo y |  call pip install numpy
echo y |  call pip install lxml
echo y |  call pip install pyserial
echo y |  call pip install pandas
echo y |  call pip install imageio
echo y |  call pip install crc==1.3.0
echo y |  call pip install opencv-python-headless
echo y |  call pip install opencv-contrib-python-headless
echo y |  call pip install pyqtgraph
echo y |  call pip install scipy
call .venv/Scripts/deactivate.bat

4. copy the software into test directory

5. create another bat file under test directory with commands as follow:

run the bat file

call .venv/Scripts/activate.bat
cd software
cd ..
call .venv/Scripts/deactivate.bat